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Annual Physical Exam

We are licensed by the Department of Health & certified by the City Health Office for corporate Annual Physical Examinations and Pre-Employment Examinations.


  1.  Medical History and Physical Examination
    Assess medical history and screen for medical conditions thru medical interview and physical examinations.
  2.  Chest X-Ray (PA VIEW)
    It produces images of your heart, lungs, blood vessels, airways, and the bones of your chest and spine. It also helps determine heart problems, a collapsed lung, pneumonia, broken ribs, emphysema, cancer or any of several other conditions.
  3. CBC (Complete Blood Count)
    This blood test is used to assess your overall health and detect a broad range of medical disorders, such as infection, leukemia, and anemia.
    It includes red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, and hematocrit.
  4. Urinalysis
    Series of tests of the urine. It is used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes.
  5. Fecalysis
    Series of tests of a stool (feces) sample to help diagnose medical conditions of the digestive tract. These conditions may include various infections, poor nutrient absorption, or cancer. 

Please inquire at your FriendlyCare Clinic. For more information click here.